Recommendation Letter (Abbie Proud)

 To whom it may concern:

I have known and taught Haram (Henry) Kweon since 2017, when he began

attending the school that I work at. I have taught him in three different classes – Geometry,

Algebra 2, and now in AP Calculus. In the time that I have known Henry, I have found him to

be a young man of great character, and I have seen him grow and thrive in ways that I

honestly did not expect.

You see, when Henry transferred to our English language school, his ability to speak

and understand English was relatively low, and as a result, he faced many complications. In

my experience, most students in this situation end up leaving after a short time because

they cannot keep up with the academic rigor due to language difficulties. However, Henry is

an exception. He has not only survived at our school, he has thrived, especially in my math

classes where he almost always earns top grades. Though transferring to our school

presented him with some very big challenges, Henry did not allow himself to be overcome

by them, which I believe speaks more to his character than anything else.

Beyond that, Henry is also someone who is communicative, compassionate, and

hard-working. As a student, I have found that Henry is humble enough to recognize his own

weaknesses, and he is not afraid to ask for help when he knows he needs it. Conversely, I

have also seen that he is quick to lend a helping hand when he sees a classmate in need.

Henry is a patient and willing teacher, and I appreciate his ability to explain things to

students who may be struggling in my class. While Henry generally makes schoolwork look

easy, I know that he puts in many, many hours behind the scenes to make sure he is

understanding the material properly and thoroughly. His drive to succeed and careful

attention to detail will take him far in life!

Because he has lived in a dorm throughout his high school career, Henry is also more

responsible, mature, and independent than many of his peers. This experience has also

given him a unique cross-culture understanding as he has lived in close quarter with his

Brazilian dorm parents and roommates and dorm brothers from a variety of cultures and

backgrounds. His ability to speak multiple languages as a result of living internationally for a

large part of his life will further benefit him in his future endeavours.

Henry is a person who does not give up when faced with challenges, and I have never

known him to give less than his best in any situation. It is because of this that I gladly

recommend to you Haram (Henry) Kweon, as I believe he would be an asset to any

institution. Thank you for your consideration.


Abbie Proud

Head of Secondary Mathematics

Mountainview Christian School

Salatiga, Java, Indonesia


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